Dan K Wiley and Daniel J Seehafer YOU HYPOCRITE You CAN NOT EVEN FOLLOW LAW, Yet you JUDGE and Profess LAW of man and God! Repent and make restitution before FORGIVENESS! Seehafer you could repent and make restitution. Do not preach that which you do not believe NOR follow in words and actions.

 "The Constitution has NO MERIT in family court" Judge DAN K WILEY Leavenworth Kansas - REMOVE JUDGE DAN K WILEY! Do Not Retain. REMOVE PASTOR DANIEL J SEEHAFER! Do not allow another "KIDS FOR CASH" evil scandal to CONTINUE! Judge Michael Conahan and Judge Mark Ciavarella were Pres Joe Biden PARDONED - "diddy" daniel seehafer and "diddy" dan k wiley were never charged with child abuses!


Drug test Judge Dan K Wiley and drug test Pastor Daniel Seehafer as job requirement.

STOP CREATING FATHER ABSENT CHILDREN IN AMERICA and in Kansas! Stop creating government and St. Stephen Lutheran Christian Church Horicon Wisconsin CHILD VICTIMS - pray for the victims of

Abundant Life Christian School shooting in Madison Wisconsin.



 ANTI-Child ANTI- Parent ANTI- Family ANTI-American ANTI-Veteran ANTI-CHRIST DAN K WILEY not the ONE for American Legion National Commander! FIND ANOTHER! WILEY IS NOT THE ONE!

JUST A Child kidnapped abducted aided abetted accessory neglect ABUSED CHILD of a VETERAN by Pastor "diddy" antichrist Daniel J Seehafer and Leavenworth Kansas Judge "diddy" Dan K Wiley. 

 DEFUND AMERICAN LEGION - Pastor "diddy" Daniel J Seehafer DID NOTHING TO HELP AN ABUSED KIDNAPPED NEGLECTED CHILD of a Veteran!  "diddy" danny seehafer HELPED "diddy" danny wiley CREATE FATHERLESS CHILDREN OF VETERANS! Remove PASTOR DANIEL J SEEHAFER ungodly family destroyer and CHILD ABUSER! And Happy New Year Legion child abusers and fatherless child advocates. 
 DO NOT BUY GAMBLING $25 Wiley Campaign Funding Calendar tickets for "diddy" Wiley parties! Wiley will have a VACATION on GAMBLED "Un-Christian sinfull" funding! Flordia vacation paid for by money that should have gone to HOMELESS veterans. Donate to other causes, NOT dan "diddy freek-off ORGY" campaign parties! 
 "diddy" DAN K WILEY IS "NOT THE ONE" for National Commander! Scandal and FRAUD headed the Legion way! FIND ANOTHER LEGION LEADER! 
Billions of wasted dollars on nepotism and fraud - look at the "paid administrative costs" by the $377 BILLION US Veteran budget! The LEGION helps themselves NOT Veterans in need!
JUDGE DAN K WILEY - Is NOT "BE THE ONE" for National American Legion COMMANDER 2025 2026! Thanks be to God that Wiley lost Legion election in 2019 and 2024! NOW REMOVE Judge Wiley from the courthouse and DRUG TEST JUDGES IMMEDIATELY!  Aiding abetting accessory to PARENTAL CHILD KIDNAPPING! Wiley involved criminal child HARM.  Always VOTE "NO" and DO NOT elect DAN K WILEY for anything! And, YOU can "BE THE ONE" to REMOVE WILEY from the courthouse and Legion leadership! WILEY HURTS and maybe KILLS CHILDREN and harms parents and grandparents and VETERANS - GET WILEY OUT OF THE COURTHOUSE AND American LEGION. Get Wiley OUT OF KANSAS and the USA! Deport Wiley!


 DO NOT JOIN the AMERICAN LEGION! Aiding abetting accessory CHILD Abduction Neglect ABUSE. Daniel Seehafer and Dan K Wiley American Legion created FATHERLESS CHILDREN to Destory AMERICA. 

 Support Veterans Administration to actually help HOMELESS Veterans and abducted neglected abused children! DEFUND American LEGION! Decrease $377 Billion a year Legion fraud. 

 Congratulations AMERICA on the NOW 36 TRILLION Dollar US DEBT - Total DEBT that Americans KNOW! DEFUND THE American LEGION NOW.

Cut American Legion budget please Elon and Vivek! Increase Veterans Administration budget! DEFUND the American Legion financially BLOATED self serving minimal veteran helping organization. US Veterans first! DEFUND the American LEGION COUNTRY CLUB for the few and their friends. DECREASE TAX PAYER WASTED SPENDING.

CONTACT Former National Commander Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer to find an abducted abused son of veteran NOW! Email: danseehafer@gmail.com   DO NOT damage the reputation of American Legion further. Remove Judge WILEY

INVESTIGATE NOW - Aiding abetting felony child abduction and accessory to neglect abuse of a native son of a veteran.  NOT DAN K WILEY to be the ONE for Kansas judge!

 REMOVE Judge DAN K WILEY From Leavenworth Kansas Courthouse - DO NOT RETAIN JUDGE Wiley 

 REMOVE Daniel SEEHAFER as Pastor ST. Stephen Lutheran Church Horicon Wisconsin  A member church of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod 505 North Palmatory Street, Horicon, Wisconsin 53032

 REMOVE Judge KEVEN M P O'GRADY Johnson County Kansas - DRUG TEST JUDGES! 

 REMOVE GREG HARTMANN Pastor Vineyard VCKC Kansas City Missouri 

ONE INCIDENT OF CHILD ABUSE IS TOO MANY! No FORGIVENESS without admitting repentance and restitution! Protect children from preditors and NAMBLA judges and pastors! REMOVE Judge Dan K Wiley and Judge Keven M P O'Grady immediately!

FILE a COMPLAINT against all unconstitutional or drunk or impaired Judges. Make your complaint, or to request an informational packet that includes a complaint form be mailed to you. Rule 910 CASE MANAGEMENT - Court-Ordered Case Management KILLS CHILDREN like Austin, Logan, Calib! Judge Dan K Wiley destroys children and families by incompetence and CASE MANAGEMENT to relinquish his JUDICIAL RESPONSIBILITY!

The following ABUSERS work to create FATHERLESS CHILDREN: Judge Dan K Wiley, Judge Keven M P O'Grady, Pastor Greg Hartmann, Pastor Daniel Seehafer, and more names to be listed.

National Commander Demon DANIEL SEEHAFER - YOU LOSER! condoning CHILD ABUSE of Native American veteran son, ABUSED by the Legion! Knowing of CHILD ABUSE and DOING NOTHING is CHILD ABUSE! Do the RIGHT THING and the RIGHT THING will HAPPEN! Do the WRONG THING (ignore child abuse) and THIS HAPPENS for everyone to read including Principal STACEY SEEHAFER, FAMILY DESTROYER, also KNOWING of Felony CHILD ABDUCTION ABUSE and NEGLECT!  Stupid girl! Is Principal Stacey Meinders Seehafer allowing CHILD SEXXX TRAFFICKING PROSTITUTION, abduction, neglect FELONY CRIMES by ignoring? Are Horicon children SAFE at St Stephen church and SCHOOL? There is a right and wrong. You chose and choose poorly..YOU DO NOT PROTECT ABUSED CHILDREN. ATTENTION - Help an abused child caused by DAN K WILEY! One has asked for prayers. READ THE BIBLE. Now ONE is on the INTERNET caused by DAN K WILEY! Stay away from Wiley. God could be using the destruction and abuse of a son of a veteran for YOUR AWARENESS. 1st Amendment Rights 1791. "The CONSTITUTION is the mental map of citizenship - an invisible social construct that citizens accept as the basis for paying taxes and accepting the exercise of power. A source of trust, continuity and, above all, legal protection." "I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you." Genghis Khan

Pastor Daniel Seehafer leading the St. Stephen Lutheran Church FLOCK and school CHILDREN to HELL in Horicon, WI! Maybe supporting FATHER's Absence TO PROMOTE CHILD ABDUCTION NEGLECT ABUSE and SEX TRAFFICKING!
 Fight, fight, fight, fist up TRUMP SUPPORTERS! Stop crimes against children. 

 MAGAFOC - Make America Great Again for our CHILDREN 

 Fight, fight, fight, fist up TRUMP SUPPORTERS! SPEAK OUT to STOP crimes against children. STOP the illegal border INVASION increasing Killing DRUGS, CRIME, Destruction, Disruption, Depletion of all types state resources, Desease inflation creating federal spending BY DEFUNDING AMERICAN LEGION!

Link to FAIRCOURTS legislation to help CHILDREN and FAMILY

Link to FAIRCOURTS legislation FULL Script

DO NOT HAVE YOUR CHILDREN ATTEND ST. STEPHEN School and Child Careless Lutheran Church in Horicon Wisconsin. SATIN IS THERE. 
Pastor Daniel J Seehafer and Pastor Mark C Wilkins - School principal Stacey Seehafer - all know of FELONY abduction, and neglect child abuse! DO NOTHING CHILD ABUSERS!!!! Simple problem for 1.6M and decreasing Legion members and $350 BILLION budget, and YOU DID NOTHING! Maybe try doing something like HELPING a felonious abducted neglected ABUSED CHILD caused by Judge Dan K Wiley! Help an ABUSED CHILD get back in school! WILEY IS NOT THE ONE for Kansas judge! Remember the murdered children Austin, Logan, and Caleb Blansett! CAUSED by FAILURE of family courts! "The Constitution HAS NO MERIT in family court!" Judge Dan K Wiley.
ST. STEPHEN LUTHERAN Church - A member church of the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod
505 North Palmatory Street, Horicon, Wisconsin 53032
"For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing (what pegans do) as the will of the Gentiles - when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries." (Ephesians 5:15-20) "For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do - living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry." (1 Peter 4:3)

The St. Stephen Church Horicon WI is likely an NGO collecting FEDERAL MONEY to give to the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS and not HOMELESS VETERANS to CASH-IN on the $36 TRILLION US DEBT! That money will be confiscated from the US tax payers eventually! DEBT GIVEN TO OUR CHILDREN! CUT THE $377 Billion wasted money TAX PAYED Budget! Stop FRAUD and cooked Legion BOOKS!

Thank you MICHELLE ADAMS Legion RIDER Wisconsin Departmant Historian for your email response: "I am speaking on my behalf alone. I consider Mr. Wiley a friend and I will not tolerate you bashing his good name. Frankly, you have only convinced me that he made the correct judgement. I will now block your email address."

MICHELLE ADAMS  Department Historian Legion Rider Wisconsin you have just STATED THAT "THE CONSTITUTION HAS NO MERIT in Family Court." just like Judge Dan K Wiley! MICHELLE ADAMS may NOT SUPPORT the CONSTITUTION or LAWS and PROTECTING ABUSED CHILDREN! Loser child abuser! Wiley destroyed other Veterans and Army father and families. Two children were SHOT IN THE HEAD - Austin and Logan! That was Judge Wiley's case he failed. Not ONE - MANY, harmed children in Kansas. Wiley is NOT THE ONE. Find another judge and LEGION COMMANDER NOW! Wiley will harm the reputation of LEGION and hurt children.

Do your research. Google "Daniel Seehafer child felony abduction". "For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a 100-percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in all wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness."

It declares that The American Legion recognizes the influence of Almighty God in all worthwhile endeavors-and declares the allegiance of Legionnaires to both God and Nation.

AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS DO NOT SUPPORT Aiding Abetting Accessory to FELONY CHILD ABDUCTION and NEGLECT CHILD ABUSE by ANYONE, including your FRIEND Judge Dan K Wiley. One could say American Legion RIDERS SUPPORT VIOLATION of the Constitution and state or federal LAWS. Why not just join the OUTLAWS, Hells Angels, Mongols, Bandidos, Sons of Silence, Hell's Lovers, Sadistic Souls, Simon City Royals, Sin City Deciples, or Spanish Cobras?


Attack our Constitution. Attack our CHILDREN. Then TAKE OUR 1st and 2nd Admendment!


THE AMERICAN LEGION DISCIPLINARY ACTION Check Leavenworth, Kansas COURT RECORDS 12/23/2022 for motion to stop CHILD ABUSE and Wiley's violations of Constitution and GOD'S COMMANDMENTS. Available to any attorney. Wiley made my son fatherless for four years in high school during that time he was felony abducted from Kansas with the aiding abetting and accessory of Judge Dan K Wiley, which then the child was futher abused with child neglect and truancy  then dropped out of school. What a POS! What an EVIL demon from hell. Remove Wiley from the American Legion. Danny Seehafer fix this Legion problem!


Wiley and Seehafer HARM Veteran children! Go find and HELP the abducted kidnapped neglected abused fatherless High School dropout possibly homeless son of a veteran that Dan K Wiley created! SICK individuals! Matthew 18:6!

Defund American Legion Social Activity CLUB for PREFERRED VETERANS payed for by ALL tax payers.

Support and FUND Veterans Administration! Defund American Legion SOCIAL Country CLUB for privileged! Taxpayers have BETTER USE OF MONEY to help AMERICA!

Legion SUPPORTING felony child abduction and NEGLECT CHILD ABUSE aided, abetted, and accessory committed by National American Legion Leadership and CANDIDATE!

Danny Seehafer THE ONLY thing you needed to do was HELP ONE ABDUCTED ABUSED NEGLECTED CHILD - caused by Dan K Wiley aiding and abetting and accessory to felony crimes against a Native American VETERAN CHILD. Now you are on the INTERNET FOR A LONG LONG LONG LONG TIME! You could not follow GOD's WORD! My son lost and so did YOU and the American Legion for NO reason!

Pastor DANIEL SEEHAFER and Principal Principal STACEY Seehafer - GOD IS TRYING TO GET YOUR ATTENTION! PRAY and READ Scriptures! Isaiah 1:16; 5:11-24!  "Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil, Learn to do good; Seek justice, Rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead for the widow." Isaiah1:16 "Doom to those who get up early and start drinking booze before breakfast, Who stay up all hours of the night drinking themselves into a stupor." Isaiah 5:11

"It is the person in the arena, subject to public scrutiny that makes things happen and makes a difference in this world (for protecting abused veteran children?)...If you are in leadership, be open to constructive criticism." Wiley BS. Public scrutiny IS NOT public awareness OF CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN (paraphrased Teddy Roosevelt) Daniel Seehafer DO NOT CONDONE CHILD ABUSE OF NATIVE CHILDREN OF VETERANS BY AMERICAN LEGION! Dan K Wiley IS NOT THE ONE FOR KANSAS JUDGE! FIND ANOTHER Leavenworth KS Judge IMMEDIATELY!

You ungodly demon, why can you not help veteran children, you are just like DAN K Wiley. CHILD ABUSE IS EVIL.

WOKE ANTI 2A and Anti 14A Amendment Legion Leadership! What a LOSER! Cannot make simple right or wrong decisions based on Scripture. Question ALL of Daniel and Stacey Seehafer decisions and actions. This is EVIL! Demon Daniel does not protect abused abducted neglected children.

Former National Commander DANIEL SEEHAFER find the path of God. Whatever you did or did not do still brought YOU HERE! One could suggest prayer and read the Bible. DO NOT HURT CHILDREN.

"BE THE ONE" is JUST a Catchy phrase and money collecting CAMPAIGN and Theme to refill the bank accounts.

PLEASE Read the Preamble and the Constitution and LAWS Danny. Read the Bible. Return here for internet updates! Seehafer you listened to lies and this how children die or have got shot in the head in Leavenworth Kansas!


One could pretty much KNOW that American Legion DO NOT CARE about children and veterans! Legion members YOU payed for THAT and they gave you THIS! WOKE Anti 2A, Anti-14A, Child Abuse, Anti Family, Anti GOD, Anti USA! Anti VETERAN! Clean the SWAMP in the American Legion Leadership! UnCOOK the BOOKS (and remove a demon FAKE PASTOR!) Veteran children ARE being abused! No Legion NAMBLA North American Marlon Brando Look Alike beelzebub leadership.

Help abducted neglected children of veterans that dropout of school (child neglect) and are FATHERLESS because of the Legion leadership that is in FAMILY courts! Stop helping create self-harming VETERANS by taking their children!


American Legion LEADERSHIP of FORMER National Commander Pastor Daniel Seehafer (demon dan marlon brando) may be the NEW NAMBLA BOY SCOUTS of AMERICA hidden WOKE predators. ANTI 2A Second AMENDMENT LEGION Leadership. CLEAN THE SWAMP IN LEGION LEADERSHIP. 

American Legion LEADERSHIP with PASTER Daniel Seehafer may be the NEW BOY SCOUTS of AMERICA NAMBLA Child Abusive Pedophilic FALTHERLESS VULNERABLE CHILD ABUSERS. Grooming children of VETERANS! Children are JUST KID DOLLARS to Danny Seaheifer.

Over a million and decreasing legion members and NOT ONE would HELP an abused VETERAN CHILD!

(IGNORED by former Legion Commander Danny Seehafer) Immediately please kindly Find and HELP the son of a VETERAN for Fathers Day! Fix the CHILD ABUSE felony abduction problem that the Legion CREATED! Former Commander Pastor Daniel Seehafer HELP MY SON and restore FAITH IN THE MORALS AND VALUES OF American Legion LEADERSHIP. Do not take the Legion to the fate of the Boys Scouts of America! PROTECT CHILDREN! 1 day until Father's Day! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY! Do not help Dan K Wiley make this 4 years of a veteran child without his father. TOO LATE Seehafer, you are posted on the internet FOREVER! Simple problem and solution - YOU FAILED!

Read the 5th Commandment in the BIBLE. Do not support American Legion leadership aiding and abetting felony child abduction and NEGLECT CHILD ABUSE!

REMOVE Judge Dan K "Child KILLER" Wiley aiding and abetting Child ABUSE and felony ABDUCTION and NEGLECT of a SON of a VETERAN from Leavenworth Kansas creating fatherless dropout hurting homeless SON of A VETERAN - basicly created a "killed" "dead" SON of a VETERAN child! JAIL CHILD ABUSERS! Wiley "kills" kids like Austin and Logan shot in the head that could have been saved by Judge Dan K Wiley!

"The Constitution has NO MERIT" ...Other organizations ARE BETTER for VETERANS and their CHILDREN. Support the Veterans Administration! Do NOT JOIN American Legion! 

A "REAL" American LEGION would find the SON OF A VETERAN now fatherless dropout homeless SON of a VETERAN "American" child and HELP THE CHILD get an education and Godly guidance and his GOD given father - decrease the damage caused by Dan K "Child KILLER" Wiley American Legion - damage that the Leavenworth Kansas American Legion CREATED!
Find the KANSAS abducted fatherless SON of a VETERAN dropout homeless child of a VETERAN and HELP HIM if you are a "REAL" American LEGION RIDER! Ask Dam Wiley the name of the SON of a VETERAN child he aided, abetted, abducted, and is accessory. Ask Missouri Legion Riders to help find and HELP the VETERAN child.
Judge Dan K Wiley aided and abetted and is accessory to NEGLECT CHILD ABUSE and Felony CHILD ABDUCTION!


A Guide to Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Department for Children and Families Compiled by The Kansas Department for Children and Families

DO NOT JOIN the AMERICAN LEGION! Legion leadership is creating another Boy Scouts of America DESTRUCTION!

Do not allow Leavenworth, Kansas Legion leaders to damage more children!

Stop the epidemic of FATHERLESS CHILDREN in America - caused by Legion member judges!

LEGION MEMBERS HARM CHILDREN OF VETERANS! Some leaders may just Money grab from government and donors for personal misuse. INVESTIGATE American Legion FRAUD!


DO NOT JOIN the AMERICAN LEGION! Find and HELP the abused son of a VETERAN!

"For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes: To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a 100-percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in all wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness."

It declares that The American Legion recognizes the influence of Almighty God in all worthwhile endeavors-and declares the allegiance of Legionnaires to both God and Nation.

"The Constitution HAS NO Merit in Family Court" Hon. DAN K WILEY Gangsta-Walk Jookin wannabee National Commander CREATES HIGH SCHOOL DROP OUT CHILDREN of Veterans!!!!!  POS "at the bar" judge creates the very FATHERLESS ABDUCTED DROPOUT children HE SAYS HE HELPS!  Get G-Walk Wiley AWAY FROM CHILDREN!

DO NOT RETAIN and IMMEDIATELY REMOVE - Judge Dam K "child killer dropout fatherless abducted homeless minor maker" Wiley. Never endorse Wiley for National Commander American Legion EVER! NOT in 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040!

"The Constitution HAS NO Merit in Family Court" of DAN K WILEY - Nor does he follow the law! Nor is he substance and mental wellness tested - 1 in 5 at best case attorneys are not mentally well or impared by SUBSTANCES (smelling alcohol in family courts). Remove or DO NOT RETAIN Judge Wiley!

Dan K Wiley is possibly a SOCIOPATH and pathological compulsive LIAR and CHILD ABUSER! Remove Judge Dam K "child killer" Wiley as family court judge in Leavenworth Kansas. One would consider any words from Wiley to be false unless proved true.

Dan Wiley harms MILITARY fathers and CREATES FATHERLESS ARMY CHILDREN destroying their family. Wiley caused an ARMY father to be suicidal in Fort Leavenworth. (and abducted fatherless neglected High School dropout unhealthy future likely homeless CHILDREN)

Kansas Legion and ALL STATES - DO NOT EVER support Dan K Wiley "The Constitution has NO merit" for National Commander American Legion. He will ruin your reputation. Wiley could lie, Gangsta-Walk, act, dance, suck, kiss, and say whatever it takes to get your VOTE to be commander or a Kansas judge!  One could say Wiley is a loser and child abuser! NOT THE ONE - he is "BE" THE ONE could say is sociopathic and CAUSED at least one military father to be SUICIDAL!

A non-military father that Wiley had already destroyed his family was to "BE THE ONE" to SAVE THE SUICIDAL ARMY OFFICER! I contacted the suicidal army officer and took them pizza and visited them at least twice after 9PM and driving over 80 miles each time to HELP THE ARMY father. I kept in email, text, and phone contact until the suicidal risk was lowered. DAM K "killer" Wiley CAUSED THIS SUICIDAL incident!!!!! Family Killer! Father killer! Soldier killer! Child killer! DAM K WILEY! Remember the children Austin and Logan!


 A parent's right to care and companionship of his or her children are so fundamental, as to be guaranteed protection under the First, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments of the United States Constitution. In re: J.S. and C., 324 A 2d 90; supra 129 NJ Super, at 489.

Parent's interest in custody of her children is a liberty interest which has received considerable constitutional protection; a parent who is deprived of custody of his or her child, even though temporarily, suffers thereby grievous loss and such loss deserves extensive due process protection. In the Interest of Cooper, 621 P 2d 437; 5 Kansas App Div 2d 584, (1980).

Dam K Wiley CREATES FATHERLESS CHILDREN IN KANSAS - THIS IS ABSOLUTE CHILD ABUSE - Wiley does NOT protect children - Wiley DOES NOT CARE ABOUT CHILDREN and Kansas/military families - maybe like Jeffery "NAMBLA" Epstein! Wiley son was not fatherless. Sociopaths abuse children. Everyone LOVES A SOCIOPATH! They LIE and DECIEVE and Gaslight and G-Walk - they are not what you think! Wiley may just want the HIGH PRESTIGIOUS POWERFULL position for ADMIRATION from the world, and personal benefits, and maybe pilfer favors for friends! A Kansas child is permanently harmed by Wiley! Some blame Wiley for the death of children in Leavenworth district. Judicial dereliction prevented the safety of children in Leavenworth Kansas, two boy were shot in the head and SOMEONE IN LEAVENWORTH, maybe CASA, COURT, COPS, ATTORNEYS, maybe WILEY, KNEW THE BOYS WERE NOT SAFE BEFORE THEY WERE SHOT IN THE HEAD!!!!! STOP GETTING CHILDREN KILLED!


Dan K Wiley has not let a father into his courtroom to enforce the fathers rights to parent his son for over 2 years. Wiley created a fatherless child and allowed, aided, abetted, and is accessory to CHILD ABDUCTION from Leavenworth Kansas to an UNKNOWN state and location. Wiley is absolute immune to prosecution for his child abuse. A father has NOT had visitation with his son for over 3 1/2 YEARS because Wiley can abuse children and do anything he wants!!! Including aiding and abetting parental alienation child abuse and abduction of a minor Kansas child. THE FATHER WANT TO SEE HIS SON!!! Wiley DOES NOT CARE ABOUT CHILDREN!! Wiley does not care about FAMILIES or Children and does not care about fathers!


Dan K Wiley and Jeffery Epstein NAMBLA association may be SIMILIAR - Child abusers! ASK, would one consider any pedophile harm or deliberate CHILD ABUSE as FORGIVABLE? Dam K Wiley IS NOT THE ONE for Kansas Judge. 

THE AMERICAN LEGION PREAMBLE - "For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes:

To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.... D
Judge Dan K Wiley aided child abduction by providing support and assistance to his (Wiley) cousins friend. Dan Wiley abetted by encouraging the mother of a Kansas minor child to commit Kansas and federal crimes related to the abduction and removal of a minor child from Leavenworth Kansas to an unknown foreign state location.
Hon. Wiley aided and abetted a child abduction crime when he had, and has, knowledge of the perpetrators unlawful purpose, and Wiley specifically intended to, and does in fact, aid, facilitate, promote, encourage, or instigate his cousins friend, the perpetrator of the commission of that crime of child abduction from the state of Kansas on or about August 1, 2022.
Dan K Wiley committed criminal accessory by assisting the "commission of a child abduction crime committed by Hon Dan K Wiley cousins friend".

Kansas Obstruction, Aiding and Abetting Child Abduction, Corruption, Dereliction, Destruction of Children and Military and Civilian Families. DRUG TEST ALL JUDGES AND CHANGE KSA 20-2908 IMMEDIATELY!!!!!


Pass legislation to legally define Parental Alienation as a crime investigated by law enforcement and require judicial actions and punishment. Make laws for accountability of Kansas child advocacy organizations. DCF, CASA, KLS, Attorneys (Trina A. Nudson), and JUDGES (Dan K Wiley)! 

      * STOP PARENTAL ALIENATION CHILD ABUSE that is currently allowed by Judge Dan K Wiley and Leavenworth law enforcement, Leavenworth attorneys, and Johnson County Judge Keven M P OGrady.
       * Parental alienation causes: 
63% of teen suicides;
70% of juveniles in state-operated institutions;
71% of high school drop-outs;
75% of children in chemical abuse centers;
85% of those in prison; 
85% of children who exhibit behavioral disorders; and
90% of homeless and runaway children
THE AMERICAN LEGION PREAMBLE - "For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes:
To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.... Drug Test Judges


The Leavenworth Police stole a fathers identity and created an email account named "Benjamin Dover." NO ONE IN LEAVENWORTH, including Todd G. Thompson, WILL INVESTIGATE POLICE CRIMINAL ACTIONS.

https://www.legion.org - legion - publications
This bill amends the Victims of Child Abuse Act of. 1990 to extend the duty to report suspected child abuse, including sexual abuse, immediately to law.
Physical Abuse = injury intentionally inflicted.
Economic Abuse/Exploitation = deliberate temporary or permanent misuse of another’s money or belongings.
Emotional Abuse = mental or emotional injury inflicted resulting in an observable and material impairment in growth, development or psychological functioning.
Neglect = failure to provide basic needs of vulnerable individuals or protect them from harm.
Sexual Abuse = contact or activity of a sexual nature without consent or when consent is not possible.
Verbal Abuse = use of words intended to cause harm or demean the person being spoken to.
"The Constitution has NO MERIT in family court" of DAN K WILEY! Not the one for Kansas judge! DO NOT JOIN the American Legion. Support Veterans Administration. REMOVE JUDGE DAN K WILEY. v1212
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LEAVENWORTH COUNTY ATTORNEYS OFFICE TODD G. THOMPSON Leavenworth Justice Center 601 S. Third Street, Suite 3069 Leavenworth, KS 66048-2868 Hon. JOAN M. LOWDON Leavenworth County Attorneys Office Assistant First Judicial District Deputy County Attorney Joan Lowdon Joana victims child case aggressor District Judge Michael Gibbens sentenced Raymond Soden Elizabeth Ringel Cohn DCF Department of Children and Families Topeka Rachel L Miller Law Firm Young Williams youngwilliams.com YoungWilliams DCF www.sunflowerhouse.org Kansas Sunflower House kristine.phillips@washpost.com detective scott bassett barbara walk overland park police Olathe My Child Advocate & The Layne Project Inc.Trina A Nudson, JD LBSW Naomi Cautadella LMSW pay to save children paypal credit card A Guardian ad What? Feeling Sappy: A story to help kids understand supervised parenting time my child advocate & the layne project https://twitter.com/lvco_prosecutor Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor Michael Crow Marti Crow & Associates Attorney Amy Coppola Clinton Lee Gary L Fuller Leavenworth Kansas BAR Terri L Harris & Lawrence P Henderson Harris  & Henderson, LLC Colgan Law Firm Ann Colgan James Colgan American Legion Child Welfare Foundation americanbar.org CASA Court Appointed Special Advocates State Director Lisa Hatt Caitlyn Eakin  Kelly Meyer Executive Director 1st Judicial District First Judicial District CASA Association Leavenworth Kansas  MICHAEL G. JONES MEGAN T. WILLIAMS SHAWN M. BOYD MEREDITH MAZZA BRYANNA R. HANSCHU Honorable Dan K. Wiley 1 Judicial District Chief Justice David J King www.kansascasa.org Caitlyn Eakin Charles Claar Sandra Bradley Hon. Nancy Parrish Darren Hamilton Ted A. Jowett Jim Gurney Lisa Oathout-Marshall Kris Wilshusen Paula Van Norden Todd Thornburg Natalie Haag Denise Gray Stevens, M.A. Jere Deyo Kansas Action for Children KAC The Guidance Center Joe Thorne abajournal.com detective tesh r st john https://twitter.com/toddgthompson Matt Flener KCWE KMBC TV Channel 9 News Investigative Reporter toddgthompson lvco_prosecutor todd garrard thompson toddgarrardthompson leavenworthprosecutor todd g thompson  twitter leavenworthcountyattorney.org facebook Sam D Brownback President Donald J Trump Kansas Governor Laura Kelly my child advocate & the layne project Robert J. Schmisseur Kansas Legal Services Chairperson Board of Grievance Committee KLS Board Grievance Committee Laura M Allen, Office of the Morris County Attorney, Council Grove, Kansas J. Curtis Brown, Board of Directors Kansas Legal Services, Inc., Hays, Kansas Melanie DeRousse Clinical Associate Professor, Director of KU Law Douglas County Legal Aid Clinic Angela D. Gupta, Board of Directors Kansas Legal Services Inc. Associates in Dispute Resolution LLC. Ellen G. Neufeld, Commissioner Kansas Creative Arts Industries Commission (KCAIC) Marilyn M. Harp, Executive Director Kansas Legal Services, Inc., Topeka, Kansas Legal Service LLC  2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Kansas CASA Board of Directors members: Vanessa Dudley-Miller Darren Hamilton, Netsmart, Overland Park Caitlyn Eakin Central Kansas CASA Great Bend Charles Claar Treasurer Manhattan David Whetstone Howard Hon. Rebecca Crotty, Retired, District Court Judge Jim Gurney Evergy Topeka Kris Wilshusen Grant Writer Wichita Lisa Oathout-Marshall, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas Hon. Nancy Parrish, District Court Judge Paula Van Norden Sara Rust-Martin, Law Practice Management Attorney, KU Adjunct Social Welfare Instructor Ted A. Jowett Dentist Todd Thornburg Kansas Department of Labor Sandra Bradley CASA of Sedgwick County Natalie Haag, Capitol Federal David G. Seely, Fleeson Gooing Attorneys at Law, Wichita, KS Pastor Greg Hartmann Vineyard North Church Pastor Greg Hartmann Michelle Hartmann Kyle Anderson, Curt Bartlett, Jeremy Buske, Danica Colin Tim Dykes Derk Hanna, Gina Hanna, Michelle Hord, Jessica Kennell, David Wiens, Max Wiens, Roger Wilson, Kade Allenbrand, Jody Barrett, Kassie Bird, Chase Brown, Danica Colin, Carla Deason, Dianne Dowler, Matt Henshaw, Zach Hord, Lauren Hussey, John Mann, Olivia Maples, Kelly Martin, Kerryn May, Rachel Miller, Nathan Mills, Whitley Petonke, David Rancudo, Jenny Siercks
Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABUSE St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABDUCTION St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD KIDNAPPING St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABUSER St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABUSE St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABDUCTION St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD KIDNAPPING St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABUSER St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABUSE St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABDUCTION St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD KIDNAPPING St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABUSER St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABUSE St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABDUCTION St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD KIDNAPPING St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABUSER St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABUSE St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABDUCTION St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD KIDNAPPING St. Stephen Lutheran Church Pastor Daniel J. Seehafer CHILD ABUSER St. Stephen Lutheran Church KIDS FOR CASH evil scandal Judge Michael Conahan Judge Mark Ciavarella President Joe Biden PARDONED diddy daniel j seehafer diddy dan k wiley kids for cash kids for cash kids for cash kids for cash kids for cash kids for cash kids for cash kids for cash